Friday, September 29, 2006


Today is the 33rd anniversary of me. Woo hoo! Am I excited?

Well, to be honest, I like my birthday. It isn't about presents, it isn't about getting better treatment, free drinks at a bar, whatever. I mean, I still have to work tonight, I'm sure I will get some nice presents in the meantime, and I will spend time with my family and friends, and that's great. But for me, my birthday isn't about any of those things.

It's about cake.

Just cake.

I can't eat ice cream anymore since I am getting older, but I love cake.

Vanilla cake, vanilla icing with lemon filling cake to be precise.

And that is the kind of cake that has been ordered for me, and that I will be enjoying on Sunday :)


Blogger Andrea said...

it's ALL About the CAKE man

I'd have made you one..........but hey, i can't cook...


8:58 a.m.  
Blogger jin said...


9:17 p.m.  
Blogger John said...

lol, thank you so much Jin!!

Now, about that vanilla cake with lemon filling.....

11:01 p.m.  
Blogger Jaci said...

Happy Belated Birthday John - we didn't forget we're just out of town so I'm sure Rich will call you as soon as we get back in!

11:05 p.m.  
Blogger jin said...

OH! You didn't get the cake???
I swear I sent one!
Vanilla cake with Lemon filling.
I piped a perfect likeness of your avatar across the top.
I bet your neigbors stole it & ate THE WHOLE THING!!!

2:05 a.m.  

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