Monday, August 28, 2006

Updates and stuff

It's been awhile since I have written anything, so here is what has been going on in my little world lately.

My mother returned from her trip to England and Scotland, safe and sound, she wasn't arrested or anything like that, she just had to wait on the plane for about 3 hours at Heathrow because of the terrorist scare. She said no one really knew what was happening at the time, the sort of pieced together what was going on through people talking to their relatives on cell phones. Eventually the pilot figured out what was happening and told everyone else. All in all, she had an amazing trip, and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.

I just got back from holidays myself, and I wound up coming back a little early, cause the weather just sucked. It was cloudy, cold, and rainy, but at least I wasn't here. I love spending time at the cottage, away from everyone and everything for a little while. It was nice and quiet up there, and even though the weather wasn't great, it was still relaxing.

My cat decided to have an adventure the night we got back, and he snuck outside while we were unpacking the car. I figured he was hiding, he does that after he has been kittysat, and then comes home. Next morning, no cat, hasn't touched his food. He wasn't inside, so outside I went to look for him. Of course, he was under the deck, and it took about 30 mins to get him out of there. Now he is addicted to getting out and making a beeline for under the deck, he tried that this morning when I took the garbage out, but I was too fast for him. I must break him of this habit.

So, back to work tonight, which sucks, but all good things must end I suppose....

Friday, August 11, 2006

Terrorist threats and my mother

My mom left for England and Scotland on Wed. evening, just in time for the terrorist plot to be uncovered. Lucky her, she was flying into Heathrow, and would have arrived at just around the time everything started to happen. I wonder how long she had to wait, I haven't heard from her. I'm sure everything is ok, I'm sure my mom has no idea how to build a bomb using liquid explosive, so she isn't in prison anywhere.

I know she will have to wait for a long time to get home though, and since I am picking her up at the airport when she gets back, I think I should bring a book. I might be there awhile......

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So hot out.....

What is with this heat? I swear, I nearly melted last night at work, and after the sun went down, it didn't cool off at all. It's distressing when at midnight, the temperature outside is still 80 degrees.

I must have drank 2 gallons of water last night, which is a good thing, but I still felt dehyrated all night. I didn't even feel hungry, and for all that know me, this is a big thing. The only thing I could do was slow down and take my time, but even then, after I got home, I was completely exhausted.

I sure hope this weather breaks soon, I don't mind hot so much, but this humidity is brutal. There won't be much of me left, I will be a pool of sweat on the floor if this continues much longer.

Right now, I am enjoying the air conditioning at home, and not doing much in the way of moving :) I'm so glad that there is cold beer in the fridge waiting for me tonight after work...