Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hypochondria will kill us all

The person I normally work with is off right now, and I have been working with a temp for the last little while. Normally this is ok, and I can deal with it, but this guy has been suffering from all sorts of ailments, which are getting progressively worse as time has gone on. I wonder if he will be working tonight.

It all started off as a hamstring injury, that he was having trouble moving his leg, and that is why he is so slow. After that, he developed tennis elbow, and arthritis too. His diabetes was flaring (I didn't know diabetes can flare, but whatever), and he was getting a cold. This guy seems to be a walking game of Operation.

This week so far, he has developed pnuemonia, and rhuematoid arthritis. I think by the end of the week, he will be suffering from a case of death, if the complaining gets worse. If he starts complaining about his ovaries (and yes, that is an inside joke btw) I'm leaving.

I wonder what tonight's complaint shall be, perhaps colon cancer, or maybe leprosy if I am lucky.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Phantom, the Merciless Killer

Over the last week or so, I was convinced that there was a mouse in here, but I hadn't seen anything, just heard it at night, scratching around. Also, my cat was staring at the cupboards almost constantly, so I knew that something was in here.

I woke up on Saturday morning, and was on my way to the bathroom, when I noticed something on the ground. It looked to be a little piece of string or something, so I bent down to take a closer look.

It was horrifying.

Before I say what it was, I have to say that my cat is pretty timid most of the time, loud noises frighten him, and he generally runs away and hides when vistors come over, with a few exceptions. He is, by nature, a fraidy cat.

What I saw on the ground both horrified and intrigued me - it was a mouse tail, just the tail, with a little piece of mouse left on the end of it. There were also a few more tufts of mouse hair lying there as well. EWWWWWWW!!!!

I looked around for the rest of this unfortunate rodent's mortal remains, but there were none. This led me to believe that Phantom not only caught the mouse and killed it, but also ate it.

Although it totally grossed me out, I have new respect for my cat now. If the rest of the mice are smart, they have packed up their mousey bags and left. Woe betide any more mice that get in THIS apartment.